Global Trade Corner
German National Cyclists' Association (ADFC)
German National Cyclists' Association (ADFC): The association for cyclists
The German National Cyclists’ Association (ADFC) is a nation-wide, non-profit organization with more than 200,000 members. The ADFC’s mission is clear: to make more people cycle more often and longer distances.
In addition to its commitment to environmentally conscious and thus sustainable mobility the ADFC advises on all aspects of the bicycle. This includes consumer advice, technology and, equipment as well as tourism and political issues. The ADFC was founded in 1979 in Bremen and has 16 state associations, over 600 district associations and information centres in 85 cities. When campaigning for the resolute promotion of cycling the ADFC cooperates with, many clubs, organizations and institutions. At the European level, it is a member of the European ‘Cyclists’ Federation (ECF) and is politically neutral, but biased when it comes to the interests of bike riding people. The nationwide transport political work of the ADFC is based on the Transport Policy Programme, which is the foundation to make more people use the bicycle. Download: The ADFC Transport Policy Programme
ADFC Members
ADFC members enjoy valuable benefits such as insurance, legal advice, discounted rates at partner institutions such as bicycle-rental systems or carsharing offers and reduced participation at many events. On the Internet at you get exclusive access to technical an further advice. The ADFC members magazine "Radwelt" presents the most beautiful bike rides from around the world, gives a fascinating insight into bicycle technology and up-to-date information about bicycles and cycling. The magazine is published four times a year in alternation with the associated newsletter. Its ivw-audited circulation of 106,000 copies offers an attractive environment for ad placement.The ADFC offers an extensive touristic know-how. Information and planning tools make the organization of a cycling trip child's play. On the Internet at all these offers can be found gathered in one single place.
ADFC Premium Routes and ADFC Cycling Regions
Cycling on "excellent" routes with no nasty surprises assured: The ADFC classified premium cycle routes make it possible. Up to five stars show what quality cyclists are offered on a route - after all, the journey is the ultimate goal.
More information on the classification is available at
Additionally from the ADFC: Certification of Cycling Regions. This quality award shall provide qualitative standards for tourists to inform themselves. More informations:
Bed+Bike - Cyclist-friendly hospitality enterprises
Nationwide, there are now more than 5,900 hotels, guesthouses, youth hostels, Friends-of-Nature houses and camping sites that have adapted to the specific needs of pedaling guests.
"Discover Germany by Bike" - the cycle-holiday planner
Get on your bike and go off on holiday – in Germany this is particularly enjoyable. Countless long-distance cycle routes develop each region of the country. The most beautiful of them can be found in the brochure "Deutschland per Rad entdecken" [Discover Germany by bike], the popular cycle-holiday planner. The General Cyclists' Federation (ADFC) presents the standard work for the healthy and environmentally conscious holiday in Germany. The 14th edition (total circulation: 300,000) presents on 68 pages 37 long-distance cycle routes, six bike regions and six federal states in detail. At there is all the information online as well. Komoot presents long-distance cycle routes completely with own collections, the interactive maps are embedded on the ADFC-Website and the routes can be navigated with the App "komoot".
The brochure "Deutschland per Rad entdecken" can be ordered within Germany online: (Shipping fee 5 €, including VAT, by bank transfer after receiving the brochure.)
Furthermore the brochure is available for free in ADFC offices and in many bicycle shops.
Kontakt & Ansprechpartner

Allgemeiner Deutscher Fahrrad-Club e. V. (ADFC)
Mohrenstraße 69
10117 Berlin-Mitte
Tel +49 (0)30 209 1498-0
Fax +49 (0)30 209 1498-55
Postfach 107747
28077 Bremen
Tel +49 (0)421 34629-0
Fax +49 (0)421 34629-50
Till Palme
Head of Tourism