Global Trade Corner
German Convention Bureau e. V. (GCB)
GCB German Convention Bureau - Meetings made in Germany
Germany is the number one conference and congress destination in Europe and comes second worldwide behind the USA. To secure this position and improve on it, is among the GCB’s core tasks. Conferences, congresses and events are platforms for exchanging experiences and ideas. They promote innovation and know-how transfer and contribute to international understanding which is a key concern for the GCB. It is our aim to further the exchange of experiences and ideas as well as promote conferences and congresses with the forum that we provide for the industry.
GCB German Convention Bureau e.V.
The mission of the GCB German Convention Bureau e.V. is to secure and further develop Germany's positioning as a and sustainable congress and meetings destination worldwide. expand it. Anyone who wants to organise an event in Germany has come to the right place: The German Convention Bureau e.V. (GCB) represents the German event suppliers and markets and markets Germany internationally and nationally as a location for meetings, incentives, congresses and events. Strategic partners are Deutsche Lufthansa AG, Deutsche Bahn AG and the GNTB. German National Tourist Board. The GCB's strategic trade fair partner is the IMEX Group.
Comprehensive advice on "Meetings made in Germany"
For the planning of business events we not only provide basic information on the infrastructure and important contacts to convention centres, hotels, agencies and other service providers in all regions of Germany, but are also happy to advise on a wide range of industry-specific issues and thus support event professionals as comprehensively as possible with their project. Connecting meetings and conferences with the existing competences in business and science around the event location enables organisers to create a multitude of fruitful synergies with competent local partners. Participants gain valuable insights and additional benefits from the event, for example when they have the opportunity to network with local experts or take part in site visits. If you are looking for a venue that fits your topic or sector, we can inform you about regional business clusters. Through our network of members and partners, we can put you in touch with companies, organisations and research institutes, so that you can find the right environment for your sector and your goals.
Sustainable Meetings
Sustainability is here to stay. Today, sustainability in business events encompasses much more than just regional catering or environmental protection: adherence to sustainable standards with regard to the social aspects of corporate social responsibility (CSR), employee comfort and compliance has become just as much a focus as sustainable economic activity or diversity & inclusion. This 360-degree view of sustainability is therefore the focus of a large number of our activities: from the "Sustainable Events Conference - Shaping the Future" (SECON) to the #edubyGCB seminars "Organising Events Sustainably" to the sustainability code fairpflichtet or the commitment to the initiative "Net Zero Carbon Events". Find out more in our Sustainable Meetings thematic portal:
Business events of the future
What influence do megatrends such as digitalisation, sustainability or globalisation have on the event industry? What do sustainable meeting formats look like and what demands do they place on us? These are some of the questions the GCB is working on intensively, among other things in the "Future Meeting Space" innovation network founded in 2015 together with the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO. The central goal of the initiative is to strengthen the role of business events as an innovation driver and essential instrument of corporate communication. In the spirit of trend research, Future Meeting Space anticipates relevant developments in the ecosystem of events and derives conceptual, technological and spatial requirements from them. The innovation network develops topic-specific, differentiated recommendations for action for various stakeholder groups and regularly mirrors these in the Real Lab with practical experience. Further information at
International trade fairs
Whether IMEX in Frankfurt am Main, IMEX America in Las Vegas or IBTM World in Barcelona: meet the GCB and a wide variety of exhibitors from Germany as a meetings and congress destination at the industry's most important trade fairs, get inspired and establish valuable contacts for your next event.
Kontakt & Ansprechpartner

GCB German Convention Bureau e.V.
c/o WeWork
Taunusanlage 8
60329 Frankfurt am Main
Phone: 0049 - 69-24 29 30 -0
Fax: 0049-69-24 29 30 -26
GCB German Convention Bureau e.V.
c/o German National Tourist Board
1350 Broadway, Suite 440
New York, NY 10018
Phone: 001 646 761 7746
GCB German Convention Bureau e.V.
c/o German National Tourist Board
6F DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building
0602D, 19 Dongfang East Road, Chaoyang District
100600 Beijing, PR China
Phone: 0086 10 6590 6445
LinkedIn: German Convention Bureau
Twitter: @germanymeetings, @GCB_Deutschland
Instagram: @Germany_Meetings
Facebook: @GermanConventionBureau