Global Trade Corner
DTV – German Tourism Association
DTV – German Tourism Association
German Tourism Association (DTV)
The German Tourism Association (DTV) is the voluntary association of local, regional and nationally acting tourism organizations in Germany. Furthermore, the three umbrella organizations the German County Association (Deutscher Landkreistag), the Association of German Cities (Deutscher Städtetag) and German Association of Towns and Municipalities (Deutscher Städte- und Gemeindebund) are members of the DTV. Sustaining members are for example the German Automobile Association (ADAC), DB Vertrieb GmbH and other companies from the private sector.
Tasks and Goals
Since 1902 the DTV stands up for the successful development in tourism in Germany. As an umbrella organization the DTV represents the interests of its 100 members towards politics and authorities, creates new impulses, establishes a network for all actors and promotes pioneering quality tourism for Germany as tourism destination. The organization is committed to the improvement, expansion and maintenance of tourism infrastructure. The association provides its members a wide range of services, such as specific advice on legal issues as well as templates for contracts and framework agreements.
Quality in German tourism
DTV Services GmbH´s main task is to classify holiday homes, apartments and private rooms with up to nine beds across Germany. Furthermore the DTVS awards the "i-Marke" to high quality tourist information offices.
German Tourism Award, German Tourism Day and German City and Culture Forum
The DTV awards each year the German Tourism Award, an award for innovative offerings in German tourism. In addition, the Association organizes two major conferences of the year: the German Tourism Day in November and the German City and Culture Forum in June.
Kontakt & Ansprechpartner

Deutscher Tourismusverband e. V. (DTV)
Deutscher Tourismusverband Service GmbH (DTVS)
Friedrichstraße 60
10117 Berlin
Phone +49 30 856 215 -0
Fax +49 30 856 215 -119