Knowledgedays 2018 ©DZT (Kaletsch Medien GmbH)

Trade Contacts

Your Trade Contacts

Our teams in the our offices abroad are looking forward to assisting you.

Please check below to find the right contact person.


USA / New York

German National Tourist Office, 1350 Broadway, Suite 440, New York, NY 10018, USA

George N. Vella
Sales Manager North America

+1 212 661 4796
Fax +1 212 661 7174

Israel / Tel Aviv

German National Tourist Office c/o G.O Travel Advisor Natan Yalin Mor 25 Tel Aviv 6701531

Ofer Kisch
Director Israel

+972 5466 56563


Japan / Tokyo 日本 / 東京

German National Tourist Office, 7-5-56 Akasaka, Minato-Ku, Tokyo 107-0052, Japan 107-0052東京都港区赤坂7-5-56 ドイツ観光局 

Akira Nishiyama
Regional Manager Asia
Director Japan

+81 3 3586 0380
Fax +81 3 3586 5079

China / Beijing 中国/北京

German National Tourist Office, 6th Floor, D1 Unit 602D, DRC Liangmaqiao Diplomatic Office Building, 19 Dongfang East Road, Chaoyang District, 100600 Beijing, PR China 德国国家旅游局北京办事处 北京市朝阳区东方东路19号DRC亮马桥外交办公大楼D1座602D 室

Zhaohui Li
Director China / Bejiing

+86 10 6590 6406
Fax +86 10 6590 6407

India / New Delhi

German National Tourist Office c/o Airplus Travel Services Pvt. Ltd., Vista House, 2nd Floor, C-11 Community Centre Safdarjung Development Area, New Delhi-110016 India

Romit Theophilus
Director India

+91 11 4937 1001

Gulf Cooperation Council Countries / Dubai

German National Tourist Office GCC Countries c/o German Emirati Joint Council for Industry & Commerce (AHK)/ Deutsch-Emiratische Industrie- und Handelskammer (AHK), U-BORA Office Tower, 27th floor, Office 2701, Al Abraj Street (Marasi Drive), Business Bay, P.O. Box 7480, Dubai, UAE

Yamina Sofo
Director GCC Countries

+971 4 4470 588

North Eastern Europe

Denmark / Copenhagen

Tysk Turist Information, Amaliegade 13, DK-1256 Copenhagen K., Denmark

Bo Schou Lauridsen
Regional Manager North Eastern Europe
Director Denmark

+45 3343 6818

Poland / Warsaw

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V. / Niemiecka Centrala Turystyki, c/o AHK Polska, ul. Grzybowska 87 00-844 Warszawa Poland

Tomasz Pędzik
Director Poland

+48 22 5310 528

North Western Europe

Netherlands / Amsterdam

Duits Verkeersbureau Barbara Strozzilaan 201 1083 HN Amsterdam Netherlands
Tel. +31 6 45509435

Michaela Klare
Regional Manager North Western Europe
Director Netherlands

+31 6 51327589

Belgium & Luxembourg / Brussels

Office National Allemand du Tourisme/ Duitse Nationale Dienst voor Toerisme, Rue Joseph Stevens 7, 1000 Brussels, Belgium

Lisa Berendsen
Director Belgium & Luxembourg

+32 499 69 32 83

UK & Ireland / London

German National Tourist Office, 22 Grosvenor Gardens, London SW1W 0DH United Kingdom

Harald Henning
Director United Kingdom & Ireland

+44 2073 170912

South Eastern Europe

Austria & Slovakia / Vienna

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V., Mariahilfer Str. 54, 1070 Vienna, Austria

László Dernovics
Regional Manager South Eastern Europe
Director Austria & Slovakia

+43 1 513279210

Czech Republic / Prague

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e. V. / Německá turistická centrála c/o AHK – Deutsch-Tschechische Industrie- und Handelskammer/ Cěsko-německá obchodní a průmyslová komora, Václavské námestí 40, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic

Jan Pohaněl
Director Czech Republic

+420 2214 90374

Balkan / Belgrad

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V., c/o Danube Competence Center, Knez Mihailova 9, 11000 Belgrad, Serbia

Cristian Sallai
Manager Marketing & Sales Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Montenegro, Romania and Serbia

+381 1165 55460

South Western Europe

Switzerland / Zurich

Deutsche Zentrale für Tourismus e.V., Freischützgasse 3, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland

Stefan Mieczkowski
Director Switzerland

+41 44 213 22 11

France / Paris

Office National Allemand du Tourisme, 8, rue de Milan, 75009 Paris, France

Bénédicte Richer
Director France

+33 7 76 03 90 01

Spain & Portugal / Madrid

Oficina Nacional Alemana de Turismo, San Agustín 2, 1° dcha - puerta centro, Plaza de las Cortes, 28014 Madrid, Spain

Ulrike Bohnet
Regional Manager Southwestern Europe Director Spain & Portugal

+34 91 3600393

Italy / Milan

Ente Nazionale Germanico per il Turismo, Foro Buonaparte 12, I-20121 Milan, Italy

Agata Marchetti
Director Italy

+39 02 00667794
Fax +39 02 00667721